Monday, February 11, 2013

Does Healthy Stress Exist?

Generally we associate stress with negativity, but actually it can be good for us too. According to Australian doctor Hans Seyle, considered the founder of stress awareness; healthy stress is a natural part of life. as we need a certain level of stimulation to achieve tasks and perform daily tasks
So what is considered healthy stress?
The easiest way to think about healthy stress is to think of it as temporary. Stress associated with a task at work, during an athletic event, or having to make a quick decision in a hectic traffic situation can all be considered “healthy” as they promote stimulization.   

Long term stressful situations such as illness or financial hardship are when stress can become toxic to one’s well being. While these stresses can sometimes be unavoidable, you can control more than you think.
While some stressful situations are beyond our control; death, natural disaster and life changing events such as divorce, some are not. Learning to limit ourselves within the situations we can control can serve to eliminate some excess stress from our lives.

For example, if your goals for 2013 are to upgrade your car to a newer model, pay off your OSAP loan and then buy your first home, you may want to reconsider. While all these goals may better your social standing, they may be too much financially. Tackling three major financial goals can put a lot of unnecessary strain on your finances and you! Moreover, it is always good to save a bit of money as well. Please refer to my colleague's blog for financial tips -

Instead, choose only one financial goal for the year. If you find yourself ahead and accomplish your first financial goal only 6 months into the year, by all means bring on the next! Working toward a single financial goal will keep you focused as you reach a realistic goal. 


  1. Great tips. I'll have to do this!

  2. I'm a big to do list person, but I think its so important like you mentioned to not overload your list...we all have so many things to get done but sometimes seeing it all laid out there can be so overwhelming...I find a great least for to put some easily accomplishable stuff on your to do list, mixed in with the bigger stuff. Then you can have stuff to cross off and feel better :)

  3. Stress is deemed as such a negative word. It is neat that you pointed out how some aspects of our lives include natural, healthy stress. What a great beginning to a helpful blog. Not always making it so negative.

  4. Excellent advice Alexis! I will have to try some of these.
